Pendaftaran Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) jalur Undangan akan ditutup, Kamis (8/3/2012) pukul 24.00 WIB.

Sementara Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (Ditjen Dikti) Kemendikbud akan mengubah sistem pembayaran uang kuliah di perguruan tinggi negeri (PTN). Nantinya selama delapan semester, mahasiswa membayar dalam jumlah yang sama setiap semesternya.

Ketua panitia lokal 44 UNS yang juga Pembantu Rektor I UNS, Prof Drs Sutarno PhD, mengimbau agar siswa yang berhak mengikuti SNMPTN jalur Undangan dan belum mendaftar, segera mendaftar.
“Sebaiknya jangan mendaftar di jam-jam terakhir. Dikhawatirkan banyak siswa yang melakukan hal sama. Akibatnya bisa kesulitan mengakses web pendaftaran online karena banyaknya pengunjung saat itu,” jelasnya saat ditemui wartawan di ruang kerjanya, Rabu (7/3).

Hingga Rabu pukul 12.00 WIB, terangnya, jumlah pendaftar SNMPTN Undangan ke UNS sebanyak 15.076 mahasiswa. Dari jumlah tersebut, ada 4.807 mahasiswa yang mendaftarkan diri mengikuti seleksi beasiswa Bidikmisi.

“Dari sekian banyak jurusan yang membuka jalur undangan, Jurusan Pendidikan Kedokteran paling diminati dengan jumlah pendaftar mencapai 2.724 siswa. Disusul Jurusan Akuntansi dengan 1.864 pendaftar dan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) dengan 1.667 pendaftar,” urainya.

Berdasarkan asal calon mahasiswa, terangnya, jumlah pendaftar terbanyak dari Jawa Tengah sebanyak 8.864 pendaftar dan ada 3.256 pendaftar beasiswa Bidikmisi.

Terkait sistem pembayaran uang kuliah, Sutarno menerangkan kebijakan sistem pembayaran uang kuliah yang baru mulai diberlakukan pada mahasiswa baru angkatan 2012/2013. Nantinya uang kuliah akan menjadi satu menjadi uang kuliah tunggal (UKT) seperti diterapkan perguruan tinggi luar negeri.

“Nanti tidak ada istilah SPP (sumbangan pengembangan pendidikan-red), BPI (bantuan pengembangan institusi-red), uang laboratorium dan lainnya. Tapi selama delapan semester setiap mahasiswa akan membayar setiap semester dalam jumlah sama,” jelasnya.

Ia mencontohkan jika selama ini mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Dokter jalur swadana harus membayar BPI Rp125 juta ditambah biaya SPP, uang laboratorium dan lainnya, nantinya semua yang harus dibayar mahasiswa akan ditotal lalu dibagi delapan. Hasil pembagian itulah yang harus dibayar mahasiswa setiap semester.

“Kebijakan ini diharapkan akan meringankan beban masyarakat ketika harus membayar uang kuliah. Bagi Dikti, kebijakan ini akan mempermudah proses pemberian bantuan ke PTN,” katanya.

Info Dua Jalur di SNMPTN 2012

Posted by Vicky Sonya | 12:40 PM |

Kami sampaikan informasi penting bagi calon mahasiswa yang mendaftarkan diri melalui jalur Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) yang terbagi dua jalur, yakni jalur ujian tertulis dan jalur undangan.

Pasalnya pendaftaran melalui jalur undangan akan ditutup pendaftarannya melalui system online mulai 1 Februari akan ditutup sampai 8 Maret 2012. Dan pengumuman hasil seleksi jalur undangan 28 Mei 2012. Sedangkan ujian tertulis pendaftarannya 10 Mei sampai 31 Mei 2012. Mengenai biaya pendaftaran SNMPTN jalur undangan dan ujian tertulis tahun 2012 sebesar Rp.175.000 per siswa. Yang dibayarkan secara langsung ke kas Bank Mandiri.

Sedangkan kuota atau daya tampung jalur SNMPTN sekitar 1.497 untuk ujian tertulis dan jalur undangan sekitar 342 mahasiswa. Jika dijumlahkan secara keseluruhan kuota yang bisa ditampung Unib dalam jalur SNMPTN 1839 mahasiswa.

"Melalui jalur SNMPTN baik jalur undangan maupun ujian tertulis. Unib menampung secara keseluruhan 1839 mahasiswa. Jadi jika mahasiswa yang tidak lulus di jalur undangan. Selanjutnya bisa mengikuti ujian tertulis SNMPTN," ujar Kepala Humas Unib, Suharyanto, S.Pt, M.Si.

Ditambahkan Suharyanto, Sedangkan penerimaan siswa yang dilakukan mandiri terbagi ke jalur PPA sekitar 529 dan jalur SPMU sekitar 561 mahasiswa. Namun angka tersebut belum bisa ditetapkan secara pasti. Karena masih akan dilakukan rapat kembali.

"Itu baru angka bayangan saja. Kalau secara keseluruhan Unib itu menampung baik jalur SNMPTN maupun jalur SPMU jika digabungkan, bisa mencapai 3000 mahasiswa yang ditampung," ungkapnya.

Lanjut Suharyanto, untuk jalur ujian tertulis dan keterampilan merupakan salah satu jalur SNMPTN yang diharapkan mampu memprediksi keberhasilan calon mahasiswa menyelesaikan studi tepat waktu di perguruan tinggi. Ujian tertulis menggunakan soal ujian yang dikembangkan sedemikian rupa sehingga memenuhi persyaratan validitas, tingkat kesulitan, dan daya pembeda yang memadai.

Disamping itu, soal SNMPTN dirancang untuk mengukur kemampuan umum yang diprediksi menentukan keberhasilan calon mahasiswa di semua program studi, yakni kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (higher order thinking), yang meliputi Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA), Tes Bidang Studi Dasar, Tes Bidang Studi IPA, dan Tes Bidang Studi IPS. Ujian Keterampilan dilakukan untuk mengukur kemampuan dalam bidang ilmu Seni dan Keolahragaan.

UN 2012 Requirements the University Selection

Posted by Vicky Sonya | 12:02 AM | ,

Next year the results of national examinations (UN) can be integrated to enter public universities (PTN). Moreover, it has become a collective agreement.

This is expressed by educational researchers from the Center for Educational Assessment Ministry of National Education (Ministry of National Education), Drs. Safari, M., P.A.U. told reporters on the sidelines of a workshop in Bandung education Vocational School (SMK) District 9, Jln. Soekarno-Hatta Jakarta, Wednesday (28 / 9).

"But certainly whether or not the policy of the government, I can not be sure," said Safari.

It is said, wants the UN to integrate the value of PT, because the UN was the same (standard). While public universities have not been standardized exam results. "This is the basis, we want the UN could be admission to state universities," he said.

According to him, in the implementation, the UN has been running smoothly and perfectly. That need to be perfected, is the only technical problems, especially for entry into the PTN.

"PTN must accept, because this discourse has been discussed and agreed between the parties," he added.

According to him, from the research results, implementation of the UN in Indonesia the envy of other countries, especially from the technical side of implementation. In addition, the UN is the same standard of value, namely 5.5 standard value even if the UN is still relatively small.

"In other countries, like Malaysia and Singapore standardized test scores of at least seven," he said.

Safari said the UN to measure students' ability to be implemented nationally. While the material being tested is at least the lesson has been taught in school.

"There's no way the material being tested is a lesson not taught in school," he said.

The existence of the cons of this examination, because the material in accordance with the UN is not being taught. Safari said the school should introspection, because the teacher did not teach properly.

Separately, Head of Education Jabar, Prof. Dr. Wahyudin Zarkasyi said the UN to integrate the results into the PTN was already discussed and will be piloted in 2012. However, there are some technical implementation should be enhanced.

"Implementation of the UN Special mechanisms are integrated into state universities," he added.

Wahyudin claimed to strongly support the UN can be a prerequisite for entry PTN. "But there are some that must be perfected," he said.

While Chairman of the Board of Education of Bandung, Kusmeni Hartadji rate, pemeritah not yet ready to integrate the UN to be a prerequisite get into state universities. In addition to the implementation of the system is not perfect, it still happens dishonesty among students and supervisors in the implementation of the UN.

Spread SNMPTN 2011 Results Announcement

Posted by Vicky Sonya | 1:25 PM |

Tempo work with 7-Eleven disseminate the announcement of Higher Education National Selection (SNMPTN) in 2011 in 35 7-Eleven outlets in Jakarta and surrounding areas on June 30, 2011. The announcement was acquired SNMPTN prospective students for free in stores 7-Eleven since early morning. Information that the announcement of the results can be obtained SNMPTN at 7 - Eleven has begun in the Koran Tempo issue of June 28, 2011. Congratulations to prospective students who are admitted to college choice.

Results SNMPTN Continues Protest Demo

Protests against the results of Higher Education National Selection (SNMPTN) Cenderawasih University (Uncen) conducted dozens of students return to campus continues Uncen Abepura, Friday (1 / 7). Just as is done in the Campus Uncen Waena on Thursday (30 / 6), dozens of students are also doing pemalangan at the campus gate.

In addition to speeches, they also do the burning pile of wood in front of the entrance. As a result of this pemalangan, could also disturb the access of students who will enter the campus.

In his oration, Field Coordinator, Michael, asked that the Papuans who are not applicants accepted through SNMPTN, can be accommodated through the regular admissions through local channels.

"We hope as a form of Papuans keperpihakan I hope the Chancellor should issue another policy to accommodate the applicants who do not qualify SNMPTN the opening reception of new students for the Papuan people through local channels. The local selection is only allowed to register only the Papuans," he pleaded with aloud.

Meanwhile, Uncen Rector, Prof.Dr. Berth Kambuaya, MBA, responding to the aspirations of the students said it would immediately coordinate with the Ministry of Education relating to student admission through local channels to accommodate people of Papua.

"Students need to understand that the question of the acceptance of new students this Uncen been many violations of the capacity of students. Nationally, the capacity of students each program of study at all state universities, only 40 students. But it happens every year we receive more students than that," he said.

With a capacity that exceeds the provisions of the said Rector, Uncen every year always gets a reprimand from the Ministry of National Education Inspectorate because it always violates the provisions. To that end, students should understand the conditions that exist and are very unlikely outcome of this SNMPTN ditinjua back because it has become the central decision.

Therefore, the Rector asked the students do not do pemalangan campus. Because to accommodate the applicants who do not pass will be pursued through the selection of independent local and SLSB. "What is clear what the aspirations of the students we will convey to the Minister of Education to the fore there are other policies to accommodate people of Papua on whether 60 percent of students selected through local channels and 40 percent through SNMPTN," he said.

Related to this SNMPTN results, Rector Kamabuaya, said it has been very accommodating the interests of the Papuans. But according to the applicant's son who majored in Mathematics and Science area is very small compared to non-Papuans. Thus, it was noted more majoring in Mathematics and Science is filled by non-Papuans are indeed very many registrants.

"We actually expect any percentage of the local department received more than non Papua. But in reality, most of the Papuan people more interested in majoring in social studies," he said.

Once the case with new revenue through the invitation of the Rector added, many majors Mathematics which should be filled by the Papuans, but in reality many are empty, so that Kouta is filled with non-Papuans. As per data available up Rector, the number of new student applicants through invitation SNMPTN 2011, the sons of the soil for Mathematics majors who enroll only 30 people, while the non papua 236.

Likewise with the number of applicants through a written SNMPTN, the native son who sign up as many as 701 people jurusa MIPA, while the non-Papuan amounted to 1197 people. "To track this SNMPTN whom shall be the number of applicants who majored in social studies major, so the competition is intense, because capacity is limited while the number of registrants is very high," he explained.

Meanwhile, demonstrations related to the rejection of SNMPTN, Vice Chairman of Commission E DPRP, Ananias Pigai, SE, said it would invite the Rector Uncen and SNMPTN Uncen Committee to discuss this issue. For the implementation SNMPTN, Ananias Pigai hope that there are alignments to Papuans despite SNMPTN format is a national program.

"We hope, Rector Uncen can provide insight to the Minister of Education and Minister of the Interior that for new admissions are also no bias against indigenous Papuans," said Ananias was accompanied by other members of the Commission E Kobepa Naphtali.

Soal SNMPTN 2008 Paket 1 - 6

Posted by Vicky Sonya | 9:46 AM |

Three public universities in Yogyakarta, namely the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta State University (UNY) and the State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga, on Monday began serving purchase registration form to the National Selection Entrance State University (SNMPTN) 2008.

The three universities that each serve a purchase three types of group registration form, namely science, social studies and IPC (combined Science and Social Science). Registration form provided by the committee SNMPTN in Yogyakarta for this year some 12,000 pieces, because many colleges that have accepted new students through self-examination, thereby reducing the quota of new students through the SNMPTN.

Download Soal SNMPTN 2008 Paket 1 - 6

Basic Studies Field Test Tes Bidang Studi Dasar)

Field Test Study of Science (Tes Bidang Studi IPA)

    Download Soal IPA Terpadu, You do not need it in SNMPTN 2011, just testing this UI Consider IPT / IPST

Social Studies Field Test(Tes Bidang Studi IPS)

    Soal IPS Terpadu, You do not need it in SNMPTN 2011, just testing this UI Consider IPT / IPST

As GMU only provide a quota of five per cent through SNMPTN path, or down compared to last year's 18 percent. Similarly, UNY that 67 percent of its quota last year, is now down to 40 percent.

Form groups of IPA and IPS were sold at 150,000, while IPC worth Rp175.000 form. Registration fees directly deposited into the account the same. Purchase form SNMPTN served from June 16 to 27 June in Indonesia.

Some 56 universities across Indonesia this year held in lieu SNMPTN Selection Admissions (SPMB).

Important Notes

In SNMPTN every eye exam will be assessed based on their rank on a scale of zero to one hundred before the value is summed with the other exams. Therefore, every eye exam should be done as possible and nothing is overlooked.

Pembahasan Soal SNMPTN 2009 Paket 1 - 6

Posted by Vicky Sonya | 9:38 AM |

Application presentil system for new students who choose teacher education majors are expected to shape the personality and credibility of the teacher is getting better. Rector of the Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, Prof. Dr. Ir Priyo Suprobo, his office said that with this system, students are considered more qualified candidate because mastering a variety of disciplines. On the other hand, prospective students who go into education teacher should have a high enough value.

"The value they are fine and I'm sure once a few years into the future teacher is really qualified. Especially with presentil rating system, only those who qualified who qualify. In addition, according to the results announcement of the national selection into public universities (SNMPTN) 2009 unknown , minimal value received by prospective students in educational institutions educational staff (LPTK) increase, "he said.

According to him, this year the average value of at least acceptable in LPTKs reached number 85. "Existing data indicate so. The value of the prospective student to teacher education increases and a positive thing because one day the teachers in Indonesia will be better again," he said

Local Committee Chairman SNMPTN 2009 Budi Jatmiko explain, interest in candidates who register at LPTK this year increased sharply. At least, there are a thousand enthusiasts in Surabaya are trying to take SNMPTN to be able to occupy the bench in some faculties of education.

Download Pembahasan Soal SNMPTN 2009 Paket 1 - 6

Basic Studies Field Test Tes Bidang Studi Dasar)

Field Test Study of Science (Tes Bidang Studi IPA)

Social Studies Field Test(Tes Bidang Studi IPS)

"Interested in Unesa (Surabaya State University) this year to increase between 9% to 10%," said Budi. Based on the result of selection known to the minimal value accepted in the Faculty of Science Unesa in numbers ranging from 85.

Earlier, Chairman Haris SNMPTN Supratno say, a total of Rp 5 billion provided scholarships for 15,501 students from poor families or poor. Each student will receive a scholarship the first semester of USD 2.5 million. But the 15,501 forms distributed to the 5167 high school, the forms back to only 3599 participants. Meanwhile, those who pass university entrance scholarship selection (BMU) of 3403 participants. BMU target turned out to shrink again because the register SNMPTN only 2690 participants who take the test and approximately 2421 participants.

Important Notes

In SNMPTN every eye exam will be assessed based on their rank on a scale of zero to one hundred before the value is summed with the other exams. Therefore, every eye exam should be done as possible and nothing is overlooked.

Soal SNMPTN 2009 Paket 6

Posted by Vicky Sonya | 9:38 AM |

Participants of the National Selection Entrance State University (SNMPTN) in Yogyakarta year 2009/2010 up 22 percent from last year's implementation. SNMPTN number of participants this year, there were 15,383 participants, 5918 participants consisting of IPA, IPC 2310 participants, and IPS 7155 participants. Committee Chairman SNMPTN Yogyakarta, Senawi, Monday (29 / 6) said the increase was also due to limited forms. "If not, I'm sure even higher," he said.

He admitted, an increase in participants SNMPTN it illustrates the increasing interest of prospective students to study in Yogyakarta. Increased participant''means an interest melanjutklan high school in Yogyakarta because its consideration if it is not acceptable in the country can directly enter the private university in Yogyakarta,''he added.

Implementation SNMPTN year 2009/2010 exams conducted simultaneously on Wednesday (1 / 7) - Thursday (2 / 7) future. In Yogyakarta SNMPTN conducted at three public universities: the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta State University (UNY), and the State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga.

Download Soal SNMPTN 2009 Paket 6

Test of Academic Potential

Basic Studies Field Test Tes Bidang Studi Dasar)

Field Test Study of Science (Tes Bidang Studi IPA)

Social Studies Field Test(Tes Bidang Studi IPS)

Head of Public Relations and Protocol UGM, Suryo Baskoro said this academic year 2009/2010 universities that accept 6500 new students to the various faculties. Of these, 18 percent for the selection of students through the SNMPTN, 30 percent of searches through seeds (PBU), and 52 percent through the GMU Writing Exam.
''We provide as much quota as a whole, we'll just break down as needed seriap courses,''he said.

UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Rector said Amin Abdullah, will receive the 3500-3800 new students to share the majors. Exam acceptance in UIN through several channels, namely the test wave I, II, and SNMPTN.

Important Notes

In SNMPTN every eye exam will be assessed based on their rank on a scale of zero to one hundred before the value is summed with the other exams. Therefore, every eye exam should be done as possible and nothing is overlooked.

Soal SNMPTN 2009 Paket 5

Posted by Vicky Sonya | 9:38 AM |

Interest in the National Selection Entrance State University (SNMPTN) in 2009 increased by 9.04 percent compared to last year. However, only 92,511 prospective students will be accepted in the PTN.

Year 2009''enthusiasts SMPTN which amounted to 422,534 people and return the form only 412,248 people. This number increased compared to last year only about 359,751 people,''said the coordinator SNMPTN once Rector of National University Singapore, Prof. Haris Supratno, Thursday (30 / 7).

According to Haris, SMPTN was attended by 57 educators, consisting of four regions, namely Region I includes the DKI Jakarta, West Java, Banten, West Kalimantan. Then the region II consists of Central Java and Yogyakarta, and Region III East Java, Bali, NTB, NTT, Central Kalimantan and South Kalimantan, and region IV consists of Sulawesi, Maluku, North Maluku, Sulawesi and Papua.

Unfortunately SNMPTN capacity is only as much as 100 235 people and prospective students who received as many as 92,511 people with details of 44 504 IPA, IPS 48 007 people. Capacity is not met by 7724 or 7.7 percent. Existing capacity which met on 15 State and which does not exist in 42 PTN. While the lowest value of the IPS group is interested Khairun University, University Malikussaleh, Pattimura University, university, and the University of Papua.

Download Soal SNMPTN 2009 Paket 5

Test of Academic Potential

Basic Studies Field Test Tes Bidang Studi Dasar)

Field Test Study of Science (Tes Bidang Studi IPA)

Social Studies Field Test(Tes Bidang Studi IPS)

The average score is the highest or best IPA ITB, UI, UGM, UNS, and Undip. While IPS is the UI, UGM, Airlangga University, UB and Padjadjaran University. IPA is the lowest value group Khairun University, State University of Papua, Pattimura University, and University Tadaluko. While the lowest value of the IPS group is interested Khairun University, University Malikussaleh, University Pattimur, university, and University State University of Papua.

The highest average value of prospective students accepted to the IPA: 92.54 ITB, UGM, 88.88, 87.11 UI, ITS 83.55, and 83.36 UNAIR. As for IPS, 88.42 UGM, UI 85.97, 83.89 UNAIR, UNS UB 79.89 and 78.35.

According to Prof. Haris, the most popular majors are majoring in medicine, science, engineering informatics, ekonomia accounting, education. ''For education majors rose significantly,''he said.

Important Notes

In SNMPTN every eye exam will be assessed based on their rank on a scale of zero to one hundred before the value is summed with the other exams. Therefore, every eye exam should be done as possible and nothing is overlooked.

Soal SNMPTN 2009 Paket 4

Posted by Vicky Sonya | 9:38 AM |

The ability to read the Koran a requirement into the State Islamic University Jakarta.Banyak roads lead to Rome. Apparently, expression of campus is the one used when talking about college entrance lane. Now, many roads that allow potential students to enter universities, especially public universities (PTN). Previously, the public may only know the path selection with PTN which became known as the National Entrance Selection State University (SNMPTN). Or other channels that are designated for gifted students and berprestasi.Universitas Indonesia (UI) for example. For the academic year 2009/2010, in addition to holding SNMPTN UI also opened several lines of new admissions. Entry Selection Among others is the UI, or commonly known as Simak-UI. Director of Corporate Communications, UI, Firmanzah, PhD explains, Simak-UI is the integrated selection test to enter the management UI done independently. Consider''selection UI is conducted simultaneously throughout Indonesia for the entire educational program in the UI.

Download Soal SNMPTN 2009 Paket 4

Test of Academic Potential

Test of Academic Potential

Basic Studies Field Test Tes Bidang Studi Dasar)

Field Test Study of Science (Tes Bidang Studi IPA)

Social Studies Field Test(Tes Bidang Studi IPS)

Start vocational programs (diploma 3), regular undergraduate, graduate parallel class, profession, masters to the doctoral program,''said Firmanzah.Firmanzah add, Simak the UI is the point of selection which has the largest portion of revenue than all the other selection lines, amounting to 56 percent . Usually as a whole, UI students receive around 4500-5000. Thus, approximately 2520 until 2800 UI students accepted through a selection of pendaftaraannya has been opened on January 19, 2009. The rest or 44 percent of students will be determined by other revenue channels. Among other things, SNMPTN, Regional Cooperation program and industry, Science Olympiad, Outstanding Athlete, Artist Achievement, and Achievement program and Equitable Learning Opportunities (AEOS). Firmanzah reveals, there are separate reasons why UI gets a small Simak the greatest.

Important Notes

In SNMPTN every eye exam will be assessed based on their rank on a scale of zero to one hundred before the value is summed with the other exams. Therefore, every eye exam should be done as possible and nothing is overlooked.

Soal SNMPTN 2009 Paket 3

Posted by Vicky Sonya | 9:38 AM |

Secretary of the National Assembly of the Rector, Prof Dr Haris Supratno, said that the National Examination (Unas) should not be a target of one hundred percent graduation by the ranks of government, whether governors, mayors, agency heads, and even school teachers.

Prof. Haris in Surabaya, on Tuesday, saying if Unas only be used as one target of achieving graduation then indirectly also be regarded as one of the leaders of the successful strategy.

"I as president of council members hope Unas treated objectively and not merely viewed as one way of success of a leader," he said.

If it is still done, then, will greatly affect the credibility of the implementation of Unas own.

"If Unas serve as a target of one hundred percent graduation, there will be pressure from all sides ranging from teachers to the students which eventually leads into a form of cheating, such as the leakage problem by all parties, especially the bottom line," he said.

therefore, in the implementation of Unas this time, he expects full commitment of all parties ranging from mayors, agency heads, school principals to teachers to not put pressure on the students so that the existence of fraud in the execution could didindari Unas.

Download Soal SNMPTN 2009 Paket 3

Test of Academic Potential

Basic Studies Field Test Tes Bidang Studi Dasar)

Field Test Study of Science (Tes Bidang Studi IPA)

Social Studies Field Test(Tes Bidang Studi IPS)

Meanwhile, in the implementation of Unas 2010, there was something different than this year. If in the year 2009, the college's involvement in the surveillance system is not too tight, so in the coming year will be tightened.

"Trustees of the college will be allowed to enter the classroom, if the class is known there is fraud in the implementation of the National Examination," he said.

Unas implementation for three years, from 2009 to 2011 is the steps towards the integration of Unas with college admission test or SNMPTN

"If within three years of the implementation of Unas credible and accountable then, in the year 2012 can be integrated with Unas SNMPTN," he said.

Important Notes

In SNMPTN every eye exam will be assessed based on their rank on a scale of zero to one hundred before the value is summed with the other exams. Therefore, every eye exam should be done as possible and nothing is overlooked.